Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Six Months Ago...

Sixth months ago he drank this...Now he drinks this...This onesie used to drown him...Now he is stylin' in this...He used to be all floppy with no control of his neck or any of his limbs...Now he's rolling, sitting, and attempting to crawl...Six months ago this is pretty much what he did, all day long...
but to get him to hold still enough to capture this picture, was a small miracle...

What Happened!?!?

Oh yeah, six months happened. Whoa.

But. One thing I don't miss about six months ago...

(this is me two weeks before he was born. Really don't miss this.)


Mari said...

Aw, that was a cute little blog. I liked it. He looks so big and cute!!

Anonymous said...

Very cute blog, Rach! And cute baby, too!

Pays said...

Super cute header! I need to get lessons from you. It really is amazing how quickly kids grow. Your little guy is getting so big and still super cute! P.S. I don't miss the prego thing either!!

Michelle, Jack, Charlie, and Nick! said...

It goes by way too fast huh! I also don't miss being huge:) He is so adorable!

Kelly Jean said...

Cute page!! And wow, time flies! Seriously - January's almost over?? Weird. So Rach, I think we need to have lunch sometime soon. I miss you.

Sami said...

What the?! You have a baby? How awesome! I am always surprised (and I don't know why) when I find out people have babies. I mean, it IS the natural order of things. I'm glad you found me though. Yay for blog stalking!

Barb Johnson said...

time flies, no? Cute baby Noah...

Becca Welch said...

oh rachel,
that is so crazy... I totally remember when you were that pregnant. you were so cute and you even kept playing the cello, nice job.... we do need to go to lunch... I will call you soon.
Love you-Becca