In honor of our anniversary and expressing our love (or knowlege), I'm going to fill our this tag I got from Danny.
1- Where did you meet? A women's appreciation luncheon at the Orem institute, ditching my sociology class. He was honored to be my server.
2- How long did you date before you were married? 6 months, 3 dating, 3 engaged (I know, crazy!)
3- How long have you been married for? 2 years today!
4- What does he do that surprises you? He can be very romantic. Not that thats surprising...but you know, he does it in a surprising way...
5- What's your favorite feature about him? I love that he has squishy cheeks, lots of extra skin so I can squeeze them like he is five. I love the dimple resembling a crevice on the right side of his face. And I love his forearms and hands.
6- What's your favorite quality about him? He is really great with kids, especially our own. And he makes me laugh.
7- Does he have a nickname for you? What is it? Babe, Baby Doll, or Rach. And then every once in awhile he will come up with some crazy random name he says he is going to start calling me, but they never stick.
8- What's his favorite color? I ask him that every once in awhile, and he always says he doesn't know, he doesn't think he has one.
9- What's his favorite food? Hm...he loves cake and milk and cookies, he loves homemade bread (which I never make, i'm pretty much the worst), he loves the tortilla soup that I make, and he always seems to be craving stew (which we never have, again, I'm the worst)
10-What is his favorite sport? probably baseball, because thats what he plays the most, but it's hard to tell, he loves all sports, basketball, golf, rugby, frisbee, football...
11- Who said I love you first? He did
12- When and where was your fist kiss? About four days after our first date, in my apartment
13-What's your favorite thing to do as a couple? Pretty much anything, we just love to go on dates. Outdoor active things, making gingerbread houses, carving pumpkings...
14-Do you have kids? How many? yep! just one little guy
15- What's a hidden talent that he has? He has got some serious dance moves! He can even do the splits! Seriously, I tell him that with a little bit of training he could rock on 'So you think you can Dance'
16- How old is he? 24
17- What's his favorite type of music? Who knows, he likes everything. But I know he doesn't like twangy country. Who does?
17- What's his favorite type of music? Who knows, he likes everything. But I know he doesn't like twangy country. Who does?
18- What do you admire most about him? He is a Go-Getter. He can be very determined when he sets his mind to it. And he's very athletic, a talent I pray he passes on to our children because they wont get it from me.
19-What's his favorite past time? Anything outdoors. He loves to be active and outside.
20- Do you think he is going to read this? I sure hope so!
Happy Anniversary!! It was great to see you yesterday, I hope we can get together again soon!
its from p.s. i love you, the saddest/best movie ever :-)
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