Thursday, September 11, 2008


Today is a monumental day in my not too terribly exciting life. I've done something that I never thought I could do, and handled it just as horribly as I imagined I would have. This is my story...

It started out as a normal Thursday morning. I had just put Noah in bed for his "nap" that ussually lasts till noon (it's really more of a second nights sleep). I was feeling ambitious this morning so reguardless of the fact that I was not planning on going anywhere or doing anything special I thought I would put on some makeup and, believe it or not, do something cute with my hair! This forced me to be in front of the mirror much longer than is usual in my average day. So there I was in the middle of putting on my mascara when something tiny and black caught my eye from the top corner of the mirror. I quickly realized that i was seeing the reflection from behind me and had just witnessed a GINORMOUS spider crawl from over the top of the shower curtain, I turned in time to see him darting rapidly toward the ground.
So when I mentioned the "tiny" black thing, I had not at the time known this was a spider. In spider speaking this was, as I said, Ginormous. Not the little wimpy spiders with the little bodies and the thin legs, this sucker was thick and black. And fast. And HUGE. And thats all I'm going to say about it because my hands are starting to shake.
I was now forced to face one of my worst fears. You can even ask Rich! When we first moved into our new apartment we must have disturbed some homes because we found quite a few of these giant beauties. But in that first week, Rich was home with me and all I had to do was scream and the mess would be taken care of. I recall the night before Rich went back to work. I expressed to him my fear that I would find a spider while I was home alone and I wouldn't be able to kill it so I would run away and then we would have to move because I wouldn't be able to live in a house with the knowlege of a huge spider lurking in every dark warm place! So far I had been safe, but now, I had to decide...
Well, in the 16th of a second that I paused to consider, I believe it was my mothers instinct that saved the day. I had to give my baby a bath when he woke up, and this beast would have to be dead for me to do it.
I quickly reached for the plastic bucket that I keep all of Noah's bath supplies in, hurridly dumping them on the floor, (it was the object with the most surface area on the bottom to increase my chances of actually hitting this speedy demon), and just as the culplrit was reaching the bottom of the curtain I smashed him and then shook the tub around to break up the pieces. If you can imagine, all this did was wound him. I then reached for the conditioner bottle to apply more pressure and repeated the gesture many times until I knew the spider was mutilated enough that atleast he couldn't run away. All this time I was squeeling at a pitch only dogs could hear.
As soon as I was sure I was safe from the fiend, I ran from the bathroom, jumped on my bed, grabbed my phone and called Rich, near tears, asking him to come home. I knew he wouldn't really come home, but I needed to talk to someone to calm my hyperventilating. He told me how brave I was and that he was so proud of me. Little did he know it would be a couple hours before I could go back in the bathroom to finish putting on my make-up, and that I would only hide the black pulpy spider mess under the bucket so he could take care of it later.
I wanted to take a picture of it for proof on this post, but, thats just going too far. Maybe with my next victory. Maybe.


Mari said...

Ha ha! This story cracks me up. Tyson was gone one day and there was a spider in the bathroom... I trapped it under a cup and let him kill it when he got home. I hate spiders.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious, Rach! That story could be in some humor column somewhere! I'm sorry you're so much like your mother . . . I could totally relate!

Sarah said...

Awesome job diffusing the situation! I really hate spiders but if I don't kill them when I see them I'm afraid they'll find me later and attack me.

Lisa Moore said...

Way to go Rach! You are so brave. I usually just page Josh downstairs and make him come up to take care of those problems. He agreed to it before I agreed to marry him so he's stuck now! Honestly, I think the trapping under a cup idea sounds good if I were every in your situation!

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel!!! We know have these delighful things called house centipeds that the more I know about them the worse they are. I say one move and I thought it was a large spider, no possibly worse because these things eat other insects and bit humans!!! I feel for you and I would have done the same thing.

Kelly Jean said...

Ha ha ha... Victory! Well done. Oh gosh, that really is a victory, because those dang spiders are dis.gus.ting. Ew. And ANY bug/creepy-crawler thing for that matter. I would've been squealing the entire time too... in fact, I DO squeal every time I'm faced with an insect. The weird part is it never gets easier! Ugh... anyway, good job!